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Autumn Mood

After the first time I had experienced 3 sessions of SP hypnosis with Ines Simpson, I found more inner-peace and have practiced self-hypnosis everyday afterwards, till one day I suddenly realized that I could bend freely my right leg 90 degrees while I couldn't not do it few months ago because some nerve block in my back. I thanked and gave the credit to her, her reply was" its the super conscious mind did it, not me" ...I say the same to all my clients as well. 

Following are some feedback from some of my clients. Thanks to you all, all your feedbacks make my day. What you achieve is because you are open to possibilities, you make it happen, not me.-----Zhi

what my some clients say:

"I have 3 sessions with zhi hypnosis:

After first session: my neck pain is better and I think I am more open and relax. But at work I still get from time to time irritated.

After 2nd session: Mentally I have some positive feedback. ex. When my wife and me has an argument I can better stay calm and have a better view. We are on a good track, but still on the way.

After 3rd session: I am feeling good, Mentally and physically.  Physically less pain on the joint. Mentally more at ease, still getting angry or frustrated when things at the job doesn't go well but quickly I can find my peace of mind. Instead before it could stay longer frustrated and restless.”"

I.D. – live session

"Zhi is radiating the energy of an Angel. That sounds maybe exaggerated, but that was what I thought when I met her for my first session. Her being and the way she talks made me very comfortable to go completely, with full confidence into the process, gently guided by her: full of patience, attention and respect, without any hurry, stress or judgment, ... The result was this: I got rid of my frozen shoulder in just one session. I had my complete mobility back 4 weeks after the session. Before that, I couldn’t touch the back of my bra although I went for physiotherapy twice a week for more than a year … without any result….
For me this is truly a miracle! Thank you Zhi, on so many levels!"

M. E. -live session and online session combined

"Zhi, I am very grateful to get in touch with your kind of healing. Working with the Superconscious Mind with hypnosis became an extra dimension for me to get through some processes that I was in. I already knew how to go in self hypnosis but this system is so complete that it is really fascinating. I am a very sensitive person so I could feel literally what my SCM did in the process. The role of Zhi is very professional and neutral and very helpfull. She guides you through the way in her own reassuring way.  I already had two sessions and both were very intense. She explained to me how I can intensify my daily self-hypnosis and with all your questions you can go to her. This is a very complete method of healing. Thank you Zhi!"

E. -online session

"Onlangs heb ik kennis gemaakt met een unieke vorm van hypnosetherapie. Zhi bracht me in contact met mijn hoger bewustzijn. Ze heeft me begeleid om zaken op verschillende niveaus aan te pakken. Zowel op het lichamelijke, het mentale, het spirituele als het zielsniveau. Zhi is een deskundige begeleidster en betrokken tijdens het hele proces. Alles verliep heel soepel. Het was niet zweverig. Ze kent haar vak. Ze brengt je naar een dieper niveau van hypnose. Ik was er gewoon bij. Ik hoefde bijna niets te zeggen. Alles verliep met vingersignalen waarover ik zelf geen controle had. Mijn onderbewustzijn reageerde en dat is een hele aparte ervaring. Zhi haar aanwezigheid gaf me een gevoel van geborgenheid waardoor ik me makkelijk kon overgeven aan een diepe ontspanning. Onmiddellijk na de sessie voelde ik een enorme rust over me heen komen. Ik was helemaal opgeruimd. Zalig. De dagen daarna voelde ik me zelfzeker en heel positief. Ik werd een sterkte gewaar. Ik heb weer zin om een aantal zaken in mijn leven aan te pakken. Het was een hele fijne ervaring. Ik kan het iedereen aanraden. Dank je Zhi."

C.D. -live session

(Translation in English as following:

"I was recently introduced to a unique form of hypnosis therapy. Zhi brought me into contact with my higher consciousness. She guided me to deal with issues on different levels. On the physical, mental, spiritual and soul levels. Zhi is an expert coach and involved during the whole process. Everything went very smoothly. It was not woolly. She knows her business. She takes you to a deeper level of hypnosis. I was just there. I hardly had to say anything. Everything was done with finger signals over which I had no control. My subconscious reacted and that is a very special experience. Zhi's presence gave me a feeling of security which made it easy to surrender to a deep relaxation. Immediately after the session, I felt an immense peace come over me. I was completely cleared. Blessed. The following days I felt self-confident and very positive. I sensed a strength. I feel like tackling a number of things in my life again. It was a very pleasant experience. I can recommend it to everyone. Thank you Zhi)

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Mechelsesteenweg 198E 2018 Antwerpen Belgium

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